The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   01/30/2023

Troubleshooting the Most Common Issues With Windows 11

by Brien Posey

When Windows 11 administrators encounter an issue with a desktop without a clear fix, they should perform general troubleshooting steps in a specific order to minimize risk.

When users experience problems with Windows 11, these hinder those users' productivity, so Windows administrators need to find ways to quickly and effectively troubleshoot Windows 11 desktops.

But what should administrators do if their organization has only recently migrated to Windows 11 and there isn't sufficient internal knowledge on how to troubleshoot the specific issue that the user is experiencing?

In this situation, the best option for Windows 11 troubleshooting may be to take a problem-agnostic approach to the troubleshooting process. There are sequential troubleshooting steps that you can use as a desktop administrator for nearly any Windows 11 problem. While these steps are not guaranteed to solve every possible problem, they tend to resolve many Windows 11 issues.

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